No, wait, 'twas supposed to be first light!
These new entries seem to be coming up with an alarming speed this year, the first quartile isn't over yet and already a second blog post. Anyhow, last night the weather was pretty clear and dark although a bit windy, so it was time to go out and see the world thru a new and inexpensive 102/1000mm refractor.
O'boy, and see I did. A bit of gazing in the gale force winds revealed a shaking disk that didn't diminish into a point, most likely Mars if I did my math and pointing correctly. I also got to see the Great Orion nebula in all the grayness of low light stargazing. And took a few shots of the moon thru the scope with a hand held camera, as my T2-rings haven't arrived yet.
With the shortest (10mm) ocular plus 2x Barlow the Moon was shaking in the wind, but the few moments of good seeing were astonishing, like hovering a few hundred km above a rolling lunar surface. No wonder people get so carried away with astronomy even as a hobby. I can hardly wait for a high pressure to park itself here and bring calm, clear and cold skies. Especially if the T2-ring would be here, so I could learn more about this thing called astrophotography. A few more skills are still on the to-learn list, such as learning the constellations and star hopping to find the dim deep sky objects with more than just random chance.
Other things that I have planned is to finally update the blog-engine from this ancient MT to something more recent, such as Wordpress or a newer version of MT. Main requirements are ease of use, easy integration with Gallery2 and possibility to update from cellphone with an MMS or e-mail.
Pientä puutyötä
Kaikkea sitä ihminen tekeekin, kuten alustan printterille, kun kaupasta ei löytynyt sopivaa. Pintakäsittely puuttuu vielä ja hintaa on tullut varsin paljon:
- 18x400x800 pyökkilevy 10.45
- 4x parkettipyöriä a 2.75 = 11
- 16mm alumiiniputkea 2.60
- muttereita, lukkoruuveja, aluslevyjä 3.84
- ruuveja 8 kpl (evt hinta)
- Yhteensä noin 30 plus reilu tunti puun ja alumiiniputken leikkaamista.
Tuohon kun vielä lisää jonkinlaisen pintakäsittelyn puulle, on tuon vekottimen paras kestää kunnossa ja kauan.
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